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The Westpac scandal: how did it happen?

Arctic Intelligence | Neo Advisory choose Arctic Intelligence to help clients with AML/CTF risk assessments

By Charlotte Grieve, The Sydney Morning Herald Westpac is alleged to have breached anti-money laundering laws 23 million times. How does that happen? What are banks obliged to track nowadays? And what does the scandal mean for other banks? The fallout from Westpac’s 23 million alleged breaches of anti-money-laundering laws has plunged the bank into crisis and…

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The biggest challenges giving the RegTech sector a headache right now

Arctic Intelligence | Customer Insights - Feb 2021

By RegTech Analyst From getting accurate data to responding to new regulatory challenges, there are plenty of opportunities and obstacles to overcome for RegTech innovators. The RegTech sector has come into its own. Ever since the great recession of 2008, governments around the world have been clamouring to tighten up the legislation controlling the financial…

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What do FinTech and RegTech stakeholders think about the new Australian senate committee investigating the industry?

Arctic Intelligence | What we're hearing - May 2021

By RegTech Analyst Last week the Australian senate announced it would launch a new select committee to ensure the FinTech and RegTech sectors keep growing and remain compliant. Now, industry leaders have revealed what they think about it. The committee will also take a closer look at how the industry is developing globally. It will also…

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Tech transition proves a tough act for banks

Arctic Intelligence | Customer Insights - May 2021

– By Supratim Adhikari Westpac chief executive Brian Hartzer’s carefully laid out plans to leverage new technology to cut costs and transform the bank’s processes now lie in tatters, as the bank’s management digs in to contain the fallout from the allegations levelled against it by Austrac. Less than two weeks ago, Hartzer was touting…

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FATF caves as Australia keeps propping up property market with black money

Arctic Intelligence | Arctic Intelligence Named Top 10 Innovators in Risk Management

by Nathan Lynch — 20 November 2019 Welcome to the dark side of the Great Australian Dream, an investigation by Nathan Lynch. Australia is facetiously referred to as the Lucky Country for its ability to ship off endless boatloads of minerals, surfing the waves of economic good fortune with a “she’ll be right” swagger. But there’s another more important driver…

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Businesses need to assess money laundering risk more frequently

Arctic Intelligence | EU Update - April 2021

In a recent industry presentation to credit unions and mutual banks in Australia, by Arctic Intelligence, a provider of financial crime prevention audit, risk and compliance software, an audience poll found that many businesses vulnerable to money laundering and other financial crime may not be conducting a comprehensive risk assessment often enough. While half of…

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Arctic Intelligence warns many Australian businesses may be vulnerable to financial crime

Arctic Intelligence | AML/CTF regulation for lawyers

Arctic Intelligence, a market-leader in financial crime prevention audit, risk and compliance software, warned today that many Australian businesses may be unaware that their internal risk assessment processes do not go far enough; leaving them vulnerable to money laundering, terrorist financing, sanctions and regulatory non-compliance. With organised crime is estimated to cost the Australian economy…

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