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Arctic Intelligence has developed innovative technology that helps to identify, assess, mitigate and manage financial crime. Discover more about our solutions across different risk domains to help prevent your business from risks and vulnerabilities.

Financial Crime Risk Domains


We’ve developed several AML/CTF Risk Modules including a data driven risk model that contains over 450 individual Risk Indicators across Environmental, Business, Customer, Product and Service, Channel, Transaction and Country Risk Groups.


We’ve developed a Sanctions Risk Module with over 100 individual Risk Indicators across Environmental, Business, Customer, Product and Service, Channel, Transaction and Sanctions Risk Groups.

Proliferation Financing Risk

We’ve developed a Proliferation Financing Risk Module that contains over 450 individual Risk Indicators across Environmental; Business; Customer; Product and Service; Channel; Transaction and Country Risk Groups to help entities manage exposure to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Anti-Bribery & Corruption

We’ve developed an Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Risk Module that contains over 450 individual Risk Indicators across Environmental (Internal and External); Business; Employee; Customer; Product, Service and Transaction; Channel; Service Provider and Country Risk Groups.


We’ve developed a Fraud Risk Module that contains over 150 individual Risk Indicators across 10 Risk Groups including; Customer Account Fraud; Falsifying Work Papers; Fraud in Hiring Contractors and Consultants; Procurement Fraud; Financial Fraud, Personnel Fraud; Management Fraud; Fraud involving Assets or Stores; Information Systems and Other Frauds.

Anti-Facilitation of Tax Evasion

An Anti-Facilitation of Tax Evasion Risk Assessment is a systematic process that helps organisations operating in these sectors, to identify and assess the potential risks and vulnerabilities to being wittingly or unwittingly involved in tax evasion schemes. Our platform helps them to assess the design and operational effectiveness of their control frameworks, to ensure that tax evasion risks are mitigated and managed.

Market Abuse

A Market Abuse Risk Assessment helps organisations identify and assess the risks of insider trading, market manipulation, and other deceptive practices that undermine market integrity. Our platform enables businesses to evaluate the effectiveness of their controls and implement measures to detect and prevent market abuse.

Modern Slavery

We’ve developed a Modern Slavery Risk Module that contains over 100 individual Risk Indicators across 5 main Risk Groups including; Business Operations;  Vendor Operations; Products, Supply Chain and Services and Due Diligence.

Correspondent Banking

We’ve developed a Correspondent Banking Risk Module for AML/CTF and Sanctions that’s based on the Wolfsberg Correspondent Banking Due Diligence Questionnaire (CBDDQ) and contains over 150 individual risk indicators across 60 Risk Factors and 14 Risk Groups.

Wildlife Trafficking

We’ve developed a Wildlife Trafficking Risk Module that contains Risk Indicators across 3 main Risk Groups including Customer; Business and Transaction.

Other Risk Domains

Enterprise Risk Management

We’ve developed an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Risk Module that contains over 150 individual Risk Indicators across 60 Risk Factors and 4 Risk Groups - Strategic; Financial; Operational and Regulatory.

Environment Social and Governance Risk

We’ve developed an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Risk Module that contains over 140 individual Risk Indicators across 15 Risk Factors and 3 Risk Groups - Environmental, Social and Governance and hundreds of controls.

For more information on financial crime visit our resource centre

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