It’s been a busy month as we developed and released the latest version of AML Accelerate, hosted the first in a series of User Forums, welcomed a host of new users, and responded to some great questions from our community.
Product News
We’re pleased to announce the latest update to AML Accelerate. The new release delivers features and functions requested by you, our community of AML Accelerate users.
Highlights include:
- The ability to import controls from CSV, and export to CSV. The CSV format is UTF-8 and supports Unicode.
- Increased control description character limit from 500 to 1000. Also added support for carriage returns so you can structure the text to be easy to read.
- Updated terminology of control ratings to better reflect the effectiveness of the controls; “Poor” and “Excellent” are replaced by “Needs Improvement” and “Strong”.
- Added a “Key” flag for controls in the Risk Assessment, enabling key controls to be identified. Key controls have double the weighting of non-key controls, giving you more granular options.
- And more
Visit the Release Notes in our Help Center for the full list of new features and improvements, and all their details.
Earlier this month we hosted our first AML Accelerate User Forums for the Finance sector in APAC and North America. A big thank you to everyone who joined us and made it a huge success! The feedback has been extremely positive, and we look forward to hosting more User Forums for other industry sectors and regions.

July’s FAQ
AML Accelerate
Question: Are updates to the global templates (such as country risk ratings, or CDD/AML Manual templates), automatically applied to my current Program Manuals in AML Accelerate?
Answer: To safeguard your data integrity, these updates are not automatically applied to your existing risk assessments, whether in-progress or published. To use the latest global template updates, please roll forward your existing Program Manual by creating a new one and using the Prefill From function.
Question: Can I upload a document to overwrite the default AML Program Template or CDD Template?
Answer: At this time, there is no function to upload your own and replace the default templates. Use one of these options to update the default templates:
- Use the inbuilt text editor to make the changes within AMLA, updating sections and paragraphs within the AML Program Manual or CDD Standards; or
- Attach your CDD/AML Program document to the Appendix, then use the inbuilt text editor to delete all sections from the default template, and add a comment to refer to the attached document.
Risk Assessment Platform
Question: Is it possible to apply corporate branding?
Answer: Yes, with the May release of version 1.7.5, each company can apply their corporate branding to the Risk Assessment Platform using the updated Branding Management feature. Users wishing to update the branding for their company must have the appropriate set of permissions enabled on their account.
Health Check Platform
Question: What industry sectors are covered by Anti-bribery and corruption?
Answer: The Anti-Bribery Health Check is designed to be used to assess the effectiveness of Anti-Bribery programs in 40+ industry sectors. For the list of industry sectors we cover, see our HCP FAQ.
– Patricia Sellars-Jones, Customer Manager
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