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Understanding the financial crime risk across your group of businesses

Arctic Intelligence | Understanding the Financial Crime Risk Across Your Group of Businesses

“One of These Things is Not Like the Others…?” Introduction In May 2021, the European Banking Authority (“EBA”) announced that it was consulting on draft guidelines (“Guidelines”) about compliance management and the role and responsibilities of AML/CFT Compliance Officers (“MLROs or AML Officers”). The Guidelines form part of a wider suite of regulatory materials intended…

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Parliamentary inquiry – AML/CTF

Arctic Intelligence | Financial Crime Risk Management Solutions

Arctic Intelligence contributed to the report prepared by the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs in preparation for their published a discussion paper to guide submissions to the AML/CTF Parliamentary Inquiry. Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter for a daily dose of financial crime news across the globe.

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EU update – July 2021

Arctic Intelligence | Risk Assessment Platform (RAP) Enhancements June 2022

Business Wide Risk Assessments are a hot subject We recently wrote about the Dear CEO letter sent by the FCA to Retail banks naming the Business Wide Risk Assessment (BWRA) as an area of concern and one that they need to see significant improvements in. Financial Services aren’t the only firms failing under scrutiny for…

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Customer insights – July 2021

Arctic Intelligence | Customer Insights July 2021

July was full of updates, with the Risk Assessment Platform updated to v1.10, recent regulatory updates from DIA incorporated into the AML Accelerate AML Policy template and CDD Standards template, and the addition of Proliferation Financing risks to AML Accelerate and Risk Assessment. This month we also hosted the AML Accelerate APAC User Forum 2021.…

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EU update – June 2021

Arctic Intelligence | EU Update - April 2021

The FCA recently sent a strong worded Dear CEO letter in relation to Financial Crime The letter covers several areas where the FCA are continuing to see firms failing to comply with ML regulations for a number of reasons.  There is a common theme throughout, naming a failure to identify risks across differing business units…

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