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Human Trafficking Risk Assessment Solution

There was an estimated 40.3 million number of victims of human trafficking in 2016.* In the same study by the International Labour Organization, they found that 24.9 million were exploited for labour and 15.4 million were in forced marriage with 25% being children under the age of 18.

Arctic Intelligence helps businesses to innovate their risk assessment process with a smart workflow. The enterprise software uses a risk-based approach and increases efficiency in identifying risks and increases effectiveness in demonstrating compliance. Businesses can be susceptible to Human Trafficking regardless of location. Victims have been detected across Europe, Asia, the Americas, Africa, and the Middle East. Find out how you can improve your risk assessment process to minimise your business's risks with regard to Human Trafficking.

* Source: ILO

Financial Crime

Human Trafficking

Enterprise risk assessments are the cornerstone of any business's financial crime program. Arctic Intelligence alleviates the reliance on spreadsheets to reduce the risk in the process and provides a smart workflow to guide you to compliance. The proprietary risk assessment solution has been designed with industry experts and the strength of technology to reduce the risks of human trafficking.

Adopt a proven cost-effective and purpose-built solution that helps in the prevention of Human Trafficking. Arctic Intelligence will also advise you on country risk updates and monitor any regulatory changes across the globe. Simplify your financial crime human trafficking solution to combat a complicated organised crime syndicate.

Take control of your controls and give people back their freedom. Stop forced labour, forced marriage, sexual exploitation, organ removal, and other forms of exploitation.

Human Trafficking Risk Solutions

Technology tailored to support your needs

Risk Assessment

We have the technology to assist regulated businesses who do not have an established or want to improve their Human Trafficking program, and can benefit from an easy to follow, out-of-the-box methodology. The Risk Assessment Platform provides an enterprise-wide risk assessment human trafficking solution that includes a digitised risk assessment workflow and board-level reporting and analytics.

Our technology supports large organisations with multiple assessment units, who may want to customise Arctic Intelligence's risk models or implement their own. Arctic Intelligence's risk-based approach workflow guides you to compliance with smart technology.

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